Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting the joints.  It affects females more commonly, usually starting in their 30’s. There are reportedly 10 lakh cases diagnosed in India every year and many remain undiagnosed. If treatment is started early, the long term damage to the joints can be limited. However, there are many cases who are late to seek treatment or in whom the disease is extremely aggressive. These patients may in their lifetime require injections of steroids into the joints or arthroscopic debridements, and in very advanced cases joint replacement surgery.

The lady in the video was only 49 years old, but with severe RA. She had had several steroid injections into the knee and also an arthroscopic debridement of the joint which did not give her any relief. She had a painfully stiff knee joint which was stuck in 20 degrees of flexion with further movement till just 80 degrees. Following her total knee replacement she regained full and pain free movement of the joint. She is comfortable doing all her day to day activities. Her medications for rheumatoid arthritis will continue to prevent damage to other joints.

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